When I write things for you to read it is not because I pick them out of a jar, or check them off a list. I write what I am compelled to write. I actually fully believe that these are topics the Lord wants me to talk about. He gives the words and I write them down.
With this in mind, a box was brought to my attention that I'm not 100% sure what to do with or how to even approach it because it is strange. I have never had to deal with this box before so it's foreign to me. And then it occurs to me that today's lesson is on what to do when you don't know what to do. It's actually kind of funny because as I'm standing here walking through my prayer closet I said I don't know what to do and it hit me, “ah. I see what you are doing.”
So what to do when you don't know what to do:
1. Talk to God. Present your case to the king of kings and show him your box. He is all knowing and his knowledge surpasses anything we will ever comprehend.
2. Try to calm down. I am trying to calm down because this certain box makes me feel a little anxious because I don't know what to do. All these other box the answers seemed so obvious, like right there standing in front of me ready to slap me in the face. this particular box doesn't do that! I've never dealt with this issue before. If this is you try to breath and accept the fact that things are scary, but run through the fear. Trust me it will be worth it.
3 Now calm down. Acknowledge that it's okay to be HERE. everybody has topics or issues they're not comfortable with. everybody has boxes. I didn't realize this was a box and it's something foreign. This will require me to take a huge step outside my worldly thinking and transform my mind. That being said, It WILL be okay. take a deep breath walk around in your prayer closet find your Center. In case you didn't know this, it's God.
4 Stay in your prayer closet. Until you can calm down and come to terms with the fact that this box it may take a little while to get it open, there is no point in fretting over it. Stay put and pray, meditate, and read the word. You may find that you will need to do some internal work before approaching or even opening the box.
5. Trust in God. To move and to show you how to approach this box. Yes it's strange and maybe a little scary but we can do it.
6 Be patient. Sometimes things don't come as easy as we hoped they would and sometimes the answer isn't as clear as we would like. So be patient with him and remember God's timing is always right even though sometimes we wish it was faster his timing is perfect. You will get the box open and you will overcome whatever lies inside.
It takes time to change and meld into a new being. You are a work in progress. What is that song? Unfinished By: Mandisa. You and I, we are unfinished.