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I am happy to announce Be Still My Soul. Please join me on my own personal growth journey with forgivness, my own faith walk, and a better understanding of the Bible and Jesus!  **This blog contains affiliate links.

My boxes came about after a conversation I had with a friend and saying a scary prayer!


Psalm 139:23-24 New International Version (NIV)

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.


As a new Christian that prayer use to frighten me! I DID NOT want to know what he found offensive I knew I was a mess. I also knew that saying this would set me on a journey I knew I wasn't ready for.


As I've grown I have learned it isn't so scary and it actually something each of us should pray, but beware and be prepared! 


This is where my boxes came from. Shortly after praying this I found that God found my boxes! You know what boxes I am talking about. Those things we hide from ourselves. The things we tuck away because we don't want to deal with them, or we think we DID deal with them when we both know we didn't REALLY. Well guess what? We didn't and we haven't and those boxes are still there all dusty and ready to be gone through. So here I am, sharing my boxes with you. 


I was relaying a story to a friend and I mentioned I was talking to God while in the bathroom and she said, "Is that where your prayer closet is?" This made me chuckle. See my prayer closet is more of a prayer hallway.I start out in the bathroom but I don't ever stay there. I walk from the bathroom out into the hallway and into my room then I turn around and walk back. I do this until whatever it is I need to talk about is out of my head and heart. I want to share with you some of the prayers I have stitched together or that I have found from other bloggers.

If you are anything like me you have several prayers saved in the memo app on your phone. If not then please let me share mine with you. They are typically short and sweet. If I ever find myself in a situation where I am having a panic attack or even if I feel I am getting angry at my children or even my husband, I like to open up that memo and read them. I find it gives me a sense of peace and I would love to share that with you. 


In here you will find several mini prayer for on the go or if you just don't feel like you want to read a whole lot of text. 


In the tool box I will include printable scriptures and the like. 

Be Still Resourse Library

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